Jonathan Rodriguez
Jonathan Rodriguez
Programming, Project building, electronics, writing

Developing a touch controlled-piano using an RPI (Part 1 - Design Concept)

November 26, 2021 - 2 minute read
Design Concept
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Michie Ang
Never stop learning. Mad scientist 🧪🛠💻 at Devbits (formely known as
March 19, 2021 - 1 minute read

Follow a Filipino Developer Friday #FilipinoDevFollowFriday

Last March 5, 2021, we decided to start an initiative to connect more Filipino Developers online wit...Read more

Follow a Filipino Developer Friday #FilipinoDevFollowFriday
Michie Ang
Never stop learning. Mad scientist 🧪🛠💻 at Devbits (formely known as
October 4, 2021 - 3 minute read

InbytesDev | Filipino Devs Writathon Series will be having monthly writathons to share our developer experiences so we can learn fro...Read more

InbytesDev Filipino Devs Writathon Series