Azel Alyne Tan
Azel Alyne Tan
A kid at heart | Web Developer

[Javascript Basics] Day 8: Different ways to create a functions

September 4, 2022 - 3 minute read
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Steffi Tan
Building apps and developer teams | Engineering Manager | SSE (iOS)
April 19, 2023 - 2 minute read

Engineering culture: Kindness in code reviews

To foster a good engineering culture, it’s not enough to have code review simply exist in the pipeli...Read more

Michie Ang
Never stop learning. Mad scientist 🧪🛠💻 at Devbits (formely known as
November 27, 2021 - 2 minute read

SwiftUI View Modifiers

SwiftUI Modifiers are views modifiers to customize a specific view in your code. You can use the bui...Read more