Azel Alyne Tan
Azel Alyne Tan
A kid at heart | Web Developer

[Git Basics] Setting up multiple SSH Accounts (Github and Bitbucket) on your computer

October 19, 2022 - 2 minute read
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December 4, 2021 - 3 minute read

Customizing zsh prompt: How to remove the username and host name

By default, the prompt would display the username, host name and the current directory but what if y...Read more

Michie Ang
Never stop learning. Mad scientist 🧪🛠💻 at Devbits (formely known as
March 26, 2021 - 3 minute read

Follow a Filipino Developer Friday - Community Edition (March 2021) #FilipinoDevFollowFriday

This is the community or group edition of #FilipinoDevFollowFriday. For this month, we'll be highlig...Read more

Follow a Filipino Developer Friday - Community Edition #FilipinoDevFollowFriday