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Steffi Tan
Building apps and developer teams | Engineering Manager | SSE (iOS)
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Volunteered and launched WWDCCommunity app

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12th BYCIT Event in CSPC

Jencent Loquinario
Play online games
Attended an event

12th BYCIT Event

Featured Posts
John Salvador
Proud Dad, iOS Engineer, Flutter Dev, Motorcycle Enthusiast, and avid reader.
September 16, 2023 - 3 minute read

Understanding the Rules of Stack Views in SwiftUI

Stack View Rules

Jennifer Eve Vega
A wife, and a mom to two boys. A life-long learner. I also like to read books and I love programming.
September 11, 2023 - 3 minute read

SOLID: Interface Segregation Principle

Interface Segregation Principle means a client should not depend on something it doesn't need.

Jennifer Eve Vega
A wife, and a mom to two boys. A life-long learner. I also like to read books and I love programming.
July 27, 2023 - 5 minute read

SOLID: Liskov Substitution Principle

A superclass should be replaceable with objects of its subclasses without affecting the correctness ...Read more

John Salvador
Proud Dad, iOS Engineer, Flutter Dev, Motorcycle Enthusiast, and avid reader.
May 17, 2023 - 4 minute read

Do It For Your Future Self: Why Thinking Ahead is Crucial in Coding

Coding is about doing it for your future self. Write readable code, plan ahead, and thoroughly test ...Read more

Steffi Tan
Building apps and developer teams | Engineering Manager | SSE (iOS)
May 12, 2023 - 5 minute read

Advice for getting started as a less experienced software engineer

Getting started is more important that having a perfect start. What I believe you should know and do...Read more

Azel Alyne Tan
A kid at heart | Web Developer
May 7, 2023 - 1 minute read

Setting up Crisp Chat in Nuxt 3

A simple guide in setting up crisp chat in Nuxt 3

Steffi Tan
Building apps and developer teams | Engineering Manager | SSE (iOS)
April 19, 2023 - 2 minute read

Engineering culture: Kindness in code reviews

To foster a good engineering culture, it’s not enough to have code review simply exist in the pipeli...Read more

Ben Sarmiento
Programmer, Husband and Father
October 30, 2021 - 5 minute read

The Economics of a QA resource

Is it worth hiring a Quality Assurance (QA) tester in your software development team? Factors to con...Read more

Ce Manalang
Writes & draws about art and Internet things -- a web developer on most days.
October 10, 2021 - 1 minute read

evolution in open source

happy october, open source code contribute-r!

Mary Jeykle Suñas
Web Developer, Mother. 👩‍💻🤱
March 21, 2021 - 5 minute read

Code Fast & Code Smart: Productivity Tools for PHP

Development tools plays an important role in the entire web development process. It is important to ...Read more

Zonily Jame Pesquera
Workaholic Gamer, Audio Enthusiast
February 9, 2021 - 4 minute read

Why You Should Start Writing, as a Programmer

Being a programmer isn’t all about coding, it’s also about proper communication with your peers.

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